Detox Commitment
Berto Industria Tessile recognizes the importance of removing hazardous substances from the production cycle, for this reason in July 2016, we have signed the Detox commitment, sponsored by Greenpeace, thus starting an important process.
We share this commitment with a group of companies in the textile district of Prato coordinated by Confindustria Toscana Nord. This new path is aimed at enriching our continuous commitment towards the environment and the workers and consumers health protection with high quality products and production processes.

Read the full report.
Here the full text of the Detox commitment, here the MRSL and the analyses carried out on wastewater and on the most commonly used fabrics.

The data have been published on the IPE portal.

For more information on the Detox project of Confindustria Toscana Nord:

To learn more about the Detox campaign